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Now,What happens and What Areas of the body are Affected.

What happens and What part of the body is affected.

What happens when something triggers a asthma " attack ", an asthma attack constricts the airway and produces mucus in the throat.

meaning, Lets go through a scenario. You have asthma and you go outside and breath in cold air too quickly. This triggers your asthma and you begin to have an asthma attack. Next what happens is your throat begins to close up slightly or severely depending on how bad your asthma is personally. there is a tightness in your chest and you may begin wheezing. Next what you should do, should you have one available; you grab your inhaler and dose yourself. what happens next will be your self medication of your inhaler provided you have it on hand.

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is Asthma chronic? is Asthma preventable?