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Asthma, Concluding thoughts

the conclusion of asthma as I understand it below.

I will be spacing out my information across different pages to have some simplicity.


so.. lets talk briefly about what asthma is and why it sucks.

asthma is a genetic disease and is chronic, meaning you will have it forever. now stay with me here it is manageable and
medical technology is always getting better.
Who knows? Maybe one day there will be a cure for asthma!
give me more!
asthma is a disease that has many many unique triggers just to you. Its never exactly the same for anybody.
Lucky you I guess

simply speaking, your body breathes something in it doesnt want or like and it thinks its under attack from said contagion, thats basically how allergies work but instead of a runny nose, in this case; throat muscles constrict and produce mucus.

This disease is liveable and manageable but it really depends on a case by case basis on how it affects you and interferes with your everyday life but in my opinion you can live a normal life with this health condition.

final thoughts, I am glad I researched this condition and so now when somebody tells me they have asthma I can be a little more empathetic and definately more sympathetic because I and you all now know what it can be like to live with asthma.

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What happens and What Areas of the body are Affected..

is Asthma Chronic? is Asthma Preventable?.

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